Search Results
Lipedema: An Undiagnosed Cause of Weight Loss Resistance - Aylah Clark, ND - Patient Symposium 2019
Eating to Starve Lymphedema & Lipedema - Chuck Ehrlich, MS, MBA - Patient Symposium 2019
Understanding Primary Lymphedema (No Slides Available) - Reid Maclellan, MD - Patient Symposium
What if…it really isn't your fault for a fat disorder called lipedema?
What if…a healthy diet and rigorous exercise don't result in weight loss in lipedema patients?
Does every lipedema fat cell have to be removed? | United States | David Amron MD
How Does Lymphedema Effect Quality of Life? - Cheryl Brunelle, PT, CLT - Patient Symposium 2019
Lipedema Patient Roundtable - September 2020
Health Matters Webinar - Lipoedema
Dr. Wright demonstrates physical signs of lipedema
Morgan and Emily discuss how lipedema has affected their lives
Lipoedema story on The Project